We offer a programme of free training opportunities to our membership, building on organisational skills and knowledge to improve local service provision. We tend to facilitate about 3-4 training sessions/blocks a year.
Our skills based training supports members to deliver their work in more effective, innovative and inclusive ways. Examples of this include Marketing and Communications, Language Inclusion: Facilitating in Multilingual Environments, Board Recruitment, Retention & Inclusion, Facilitation, Conflict Resolution & First Aid training.
We work with organisations such as Tripod Training and Getting on Board to offer bespoke training that meets the needs of the members.
Knowledge based Training
Our knowledge based training supports members to increase access and inclusion to their services by having a deeper understanding of the needs of marginalised and oppressed people and the barriers they face. This includes things like LGBTQI+ Allyship, Anti-Racist Active Bystander, and Disability Awareness training.
We work with a variety of training organisations like The Diversity Trust and Pride Outside. All our knowledge based training is led by lived experience trainers.