Scottish Ethnic Minority Deaf Charity

Established in 1998 SEMDC provides a variety of specialist services and events for the Scottish deaf ethnic minority community.

SEMDC is a registered charity and is the only club throughout Scotland that meets the needs of this often extremely isolated community who face multiple barriers throughout their everyday lives. Our doors are open to deaf people and their families where there are no barriers to communication.SEMDC provides support, advocacy, information, advice, signposting and empowerment within their list of services.

The club meets bi-weekly on a Saturday at the office 1:30pm – 4:30pm. Here we hold a variety of activities, special and cultural events and information workshops. Moreover, it is a safe space to relax and to communicate in British Sign Language.The SEMDC office is open to members Tuesdays – Fridays 10:00am – 4: 00pm. We have a variety of bespoke training courses which are delivered within the office space.

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Telephone: 07706 334429 (sms/Facetime only)


Address: 36 Washington Street, Suite 421B, Fourth Floor, Glasgow, G3 8AZ