Families Outside
Families Outside is the only national charity in Scotland that works solely on behalf of families affected by imprisonment. We speak to thousands of families each year, providing information and support on issues such as housing, finance, isolation, health and emotional support.
To achieve this we offer direct 1-1 support to families throughout Scotland via our helpline 0800 254 0088, and our Regional Family Support Coordinators.Families Outside delivers peer group support, MyTime Scotland offers children and young people aged between 8-18 years affected by imprisonment the opportunity to come together and learn from one and others lived experience. The peer support group is for children and young people whether they have regular contact with their family member in prison, or no contact at all.We conduct research provide training, information, tools and resources to government and professionals who come into contact with families affected by imprisonment highlighting the issues affecting families.
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Telephone: 0738 4469 640
Email: tracey.burns@familiesoutside.org.uk
Address: Robertson House, 152 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4TB
Member categories: Advice and Advocacy, Children and Families, Health and Wellbeing, Housing, Men, Older People, Women, Young People