Pronouns and the Importance of Gender Inclusive Language
The South East of Glasgow has an incredibly diverse and welcoming community at its core, and this is something that is reflected in our membership and the work of our members. The LGBTQI+ community is one of the many that make up the south east of Glasgow. They are represented in our membership widely, as well as in our team. As with any community, there are a plethora of individuals who exist within it, and the accompanying language to refer to these individuals is important. This post focuses on the use of different pronouns in relation to this community, and is intended to clarify questions for those who are unsure, and ensure no-one is misgendered in a SEIN space (or other spaces).

Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller History Month: History, Facts, Resources, and Advocacy
June is Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) History Month. This year we are celebrating by putting together a collection of resources, information, and links highlighting the past and present of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller culture and lived experience.