Amina Muslim Women's Resource Centre

Amina’s work aims to empower, support and educate Muslim & BME women at a grassroots level to achieve their full potential, equipping them with confidence, skills, knowledge and information to make informed decisions for themselves and their families.

By doing so, we help integrate them into society and enable them to participate in their communities more fully. Often these women are vulnerable to poverty, mental illness and other life challenges.Through their participation in Amina’s programmes, we aim to support them to become role models for their communities, enabling them to become more self-sufficient, contributing to the overall community and the economy.

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Telephone: 0141 212 8420


Address: McCormick Business Centre, 50 Darnley Street, Glasgow, G41 2SE

Member categories: Advice and Advocacy, Adult Learning, Arts and Culture, Asylum Seekers and Refugees, Befriending service, Children and Families, Employment, English Learning, Health and Wellbeing, Housing, Interfaith, LGBTQI+, Women